ecological solutions for the energy transition to net zero 2030.
Driving sustainable energy goals by balancing renewable energy development with nature and biodiversity enhancement.
Our approach
We work together as an ecological consultancy, specialising in bird conservation management, ornithological and other ecological survey and assessments. So far, we’ve completed surveys, advisory and assessment work for over 400 wind farm and solar energy developments, including design and implementation of bird and habitat surveys, ornithological and other ecological impact assessment, and development of habitat enhancement proposals. Onshore wind farm and solar projects have been primarily in the UK but also in Ireland, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Turkey, Jordan, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and Mongolia. ve worked with many UK nationally significant infrastructure projects, including the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm Extension, North Blyth Biomass Project, Able Marine Energy Park and Rampion Offshore wind farm (all of which have received consent). We have experience in a wide range of developments, including wind energy, biomass power stations, port developments and landfill sites. We also have extensive experience in Habitats Regulations Assessment, with over 30 completed.
Our services
Ecological Surveys
Ecological Impact Assessment
Biodiversity net gain
Expert witness
Post-Construction monitoring
Trusted by clients worldwide
We work for a wide range of clients, from individual landowners and land managers through to large multi-national energy companies. A selection of our clients are shown: