Our aim at Ecology Consulting is to provide the full range of ecological services, including: advice on initial development site searches; survey planning and design; baseline survey implementation; ecological risk assessment; full ecological impact assessment; post-submission ecological expert support (including at public inquiry); and advice through construction and post-construction monitoring.
OUR SErVICES & Experience
Ecological Surveys
We are able to deliver a full range of ecological surveys, including all of the following. We have a UK-wide network of specialist surveyors that we work with.
Vantage Point surveys
Winter Walkover survey (upland sites)
Winter field count survey (lowland sites)
Breeding Bird survey
Breeding Raptor survey
Other required specific key species breeding surveys
Nocturnal surveys
Offshore seabird surveys (to COWRIE and ESAS standards)
Phase 1 Habitat survey
National Vegetation Classification survey
UK HAB survey
Protected Species
Bat surveys - following the current Bat Conservation Trust guidance, including habitat suitability, walkover transects, fixed point surveying and roost surveys, assessment using Mammal Society ‘EcoBat’ software
Badger survey
Otter and Water Vole survey
Other protected species, including Red Squirrel, Pine Marten, Natterjack Toad and Great Crested Newt
Data Analysis and Modelling
Collision risk mortality - modelling using standard NatureScot approach (Band et al. 2007) and its 2024 update
Habitat and range modelling - such as range predictions for golden eagle (GET modelling, Fielding et al. 2020)
Population viability analysis - to determine population-level impacts of additional mortality and displacement
Ecological impact assessment
We have over 30 years experience in EIA work, including over 150 renewable energy projects.
Apply standard methodologies (e.g. CIEEM), tailored to each site to optimise successful outcome
Cover full range from basic Preliminary Ecological Assessment to complex assessments for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
Biodiversity net gain
We have a long history of delivering net gain through Habitat Management Plans to resolve ornithological issues, e.g. peatland enhancement for breeding waders and black grouse, alternative feeding areas for pink-footed geese
Biodiversity net gain - more recent statutory requirement, but already building up a portfolio of sites for successful application and delivery, including use of the Statutory Metric in England.
Public Inquiry
Dr Percival has acted as an expert ecological witness at 30 public inquiries to date since his first in 1994 (appearing for English Nature at the Budle Bay inquiry). These have included Islay (1996 and 1998), Largie (1996), Helmsdale (1997), Out Newton (1999), Nant Carfan (2001), Tir Mostyn (2001), Little Cheyne Court (2004), Knockacummer (2005), Bradwell (2007 and 2009), Middlemoor (2007), Green Rigg (2008), Kelburn (2008), Stacain (2008 and 2010), Montreathmont Moor (2009), Hellrigg (2009), Stroupster (2009), Spaldington Airfield (2011), Langham (2011), Kilchattan (2011), Jack’s Lane (2012), Beck Burn (2012), Saxby Wolds (2013), Bryn Llywelyn (2013), Llanbrynmair (2013), Molesworth (2013) and River Valley (2014) proposed wind farms.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
We have experience in a range of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in the UK, including the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm Extension, North Blyth Biomass Project, Able Marine Energy Park and Rampion Offshore wind farm.
Post-construction monitoring
We are one of the most experienced ecological consultancies in the UK undertaking post-construction monitoring projects across the country, including onshore and offshore wind farms, port developments and landfill sites.